OK, Was having trouble with duplicate albums. Most doubled, some tripled so I deleted the audirvana database. Restart and says "can’t find database at location would I like to quit or make a new one? I say “make new” and next window says “damaged database, please restore or delete” . Only option at this point is quit. Database does not exist, it was already deleted.

So I remove Audirvana and all remnants of it and download new copy. Same problem and I’m now stuck in this cycle. There was not one thing file I can find hidden or otherwise that is related to Audirvana yet I’m now stuck in this loop.

Any clues how to fix this or time for a new music player?

Mac or pc?

Mac Brand new MBP Sequoia 15.1.1. Thanks!

Well, if all your albums are doubled…
you should start new, if just a couples you can cure it…

this is one of the BEST bug in Audirvana if not the best… i got it toi, and you’ll never know when you will got it again, so learn how to make backups often of your Database…

I have back ups…I think…I used Time Machine and that’s how I reloaded to new Mac. I shouldn’t have to though. I mean I totally erased Audirvana and downloaded new copy to start from scratch but it still seeks the database, .sqlist file or something…

Usually starting all over is a way out but there’s some weird file Audirvana in reading telling there is a database. That and the fact it wont allow me to create a new one which as it suggests.

give me
a second…

TimeMachine is good for backups… but, if you Restore your Database, you will see if that has been ALREADY doubled and you didn’t know about it then…

replacing Database is not that important if you don’t want LIKE ME to lose all your music play counts, or that other BIG bug is to reENTER every albums that has been released date before 1970…

Anyway, might not be your case or you have a small Database that will not take to much time to reload…

It seems for some weird reason the .sqlist database file is in a hidden user library folder. I was able to unhide on the current Mac but unable to change view to unhide on my Time Machine back up and transfer to active HD. Research seems to indicate it’s not possible on TM back ups. I even downloaded and activated an old copy of Audirvana 3.5 which did create a new database when pointed to Music folder and placed this sqlist in new user library but Origin doesn’t recognise this database either…Thanks.

Go here… remove all your music Folders…

All your music Willl disappear from Audirvana main window…
quit Audirvana.

Then go here and delete your Audirvana Database .sqlite…

Apple hide the Home Folder in User Library at some time depending on OS System… When you have clicked your Home Folder, and cannot see the Library Folder in there, just do a ‘‘cmd J’’ to show the folder settings preferences and see at the bottom… click Show Library Folder and then you’ll have access to the rest forever.

Go to User… Your name Home Folder… Library… Applications Support… Audirvana Folder… Trash All the files in that folder (that is your database of music, back it up!)

Restart Mac…
Restart Audirvana…
Add a Music Folder… Let it go… All Done
Music Start playing hitting a song… cool!,
close Audirvana.
Copy that .sqlite that now you know where it is
and save it as today backup…
Whenever you do something in your tag…
after that Day… copy that database AGAIN to a safe place…
then when you see your albums are all doubled again,…
Replace it with your last good backup.

i know, when you Think all is good,
Audirvana will come back with that bug (yes, 4 december 2024)…

Thanks but problem is I can’t start Origin! As on start up it can’t find database and when I say make new it says "damaged database restore, delete or try again… " on next screen and quit only option…

Then delete it…

Or before starting origin, go to path and delete the .sqlite like i said…

Thanks but I’ve deleted to 10 times! Here’s the log:
2024-12-04 21:15:06.410 [info]: Running on macOS 15.1.1
2024-12-04 21:15:06.453 [info]: Remote started on port 50764
2024-12-04 21:15:09.860 [critical]: Database open /Library/AudirvanaDatabase.sqlitefailed with error unable to open database file
2024-12-04 21:15:09.861 [critical]: Error opening database file (corrupted) /Library/AudirvanaDatabase.sqlite, exception: Unable to open database file
2024-12-04 21:15:53.703 [info]: ============= Started Logging, Audirvana Origin (20519) macOS ARM64 =============
2024-12-04 21:15:53.703 [info]: Running on macOS 15.1.1
2024-12-04 21:15:53.746 [info]: Remote started on port 50779
2024-12-04 21:16:01.773 [critical]: Database open /Library/AudirvanaDatabase.sqlitefailed with error unable to open database file
2024-12-04 21:16:01.773 [critical]: Error opening database file (corrupted) /Library/AudirvanaDatabase.sqlite, exception: Unable to open database file

Quit Origin…

Then go in your home folder, application support folder. If hidden see my post before how to.

Delete the .sqlite there… dont tell me you cant, restart mac…

.sqlite is not in library… in the home user library…

Sorry man! I did ALL this! Yes, in I found application support and removed/deleted the sqlite file 5 times! HD>Users>Me>Library> App Support> Audirvana. Deleted sqlite file and restarted Mac. Deleted Origin and started from scratch…I don’t think there’s anything I can do besides wipe my HD and completely start over but I haven’t the time right now. Thanks for trying…

Since you know whe the home folder is, then go to preferences folder and delete all audirvana preferences there too, there should be 2 there, if you have old 3.5, 3 preferences… restart mac… audirvana…

Nothing audirvana in either HD>Library>Preferences or HD>Users>Me>Library>Preferences Or HD>System>Library>Preferences

your are too slow, have to sleep…

I fell asleep too! :smiley:

SO…I finally found the preferences and deleted and was able to load and start Origin. Oddly it immediately found and made the library instead of me pointing Origin to my music folder. SO some other hidden preference or something. Looks like only ONE library so far!

My previous Mac was a 2020 and I hadn’t upgraded OS recently as I do NOT trust Mac all that much. If it works don’t fix it! Sequoia is quite different and made some quantum OS appearance and placement changes…so it took a while!

Thanks for you help!

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