Origin not showing first track

Origin is not showing track one of a lot of music from my drive. I see that a lot of the problems are with music stored with cue sheets that I ripped with XLD ten years ago. I have a memory that the original (not Origin) Audirvana has this issue early on but was excellent for tagging the past few years.

Also: If I change some metadata on one of the files showing no track one, the original album is not changed, but eventually after a few syncs the track one that didn’t appear shows up with the corrected metadata I wrote, leaving me with two albums showing for each album.

By the way, the old Audirvana picks up the metadata I corrected on Origin perfectly and shows one album with the corrected data.

Using 2022 M1 Ventura 13.2.1

Hi @ronmad8,

Can you try to access to the same album using folder view as a list?

Hi Antoine thank you for coming back quickly. I already replied on the email but that maybe was just telling me to check the website so I’ll repeat it here. This is what Origin shows me for one album in both views and also how Finder sees it:

Since your tracks are already split, you don’t need the .cue sheet file in your album folder… that, gives Audirvana to be buggy, yes audirvana fault but… just remove it and trash it, if you want to absolutely keep it for nothing, just put it somewhere in your computer where Audirvana have not access, and all be be in order after.

Close audirvana, search your hard for .cue files and copy them elsewhere, then send the selected ones to the trash, restart mac or pc then reopen Audirvana, let it sync, see, all is good now :grinning:


Why do i kept those .log files also ?
Well… put them with the .cue sheet elsewhere even if they don’t do nothing… :grinning:

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Thanks that works. I do like to keep logs and original cues so I can keep track of when I ripped things. I move around a lot and my CDs are stored half way around the world so I often can’t remember which release I ripped when. But it’s no biggie. I do remember that Audirvana eventually sorted this out tho, it was by far the most reliable tagging front end I had. I still tag using the old Audirvana and there are no problems, cue or no cue.

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