OS X saved presets location

Hello, I have the Plus version running on Mac OS X Yosemite.

can anyone tell me where the Audio Units EQ presets are saved on my computer. I want to back them up, or find in case of a crash.

Thank you.

I’m not really sure, but i guess they are saved with your Audirvana Plus software preferences.
Hard Disc… Users… Home Folder… Library… Preferences… com.audirvana.Audirvana-Plus.plist

Thanks, I looked but didn’t find that file. I can’t see anything for Audirvana in the Library’s sub folders. Are they ‘hidden’ somehow?

The Home folder is hidden by Apple by default now… if you never put it on yourself…
Go to your Home Folder, double click it, when it is open just do : command j and click at the bottom of that window, show library folder. :slight_smile:
then go there: Hard Disc… Users… Home Folder… Library… Preferences… com.audirvana.Audirvana-Plus.plist

as i said this is the preferences of Audirvana Software when you have set it… so i assume the EQ presets will be save there too, not sure

Well, found it! Thanks. . but I don’t see the 15 different EQ settings. . .but I do see other info, like user name, account number, etc etc. Hmmm. Ahhh well. Thanks a lot!

this is a prefences file for the preferences panel when you click A+ preferences in the menu… if you trash it and restart, you will have to do the setup you,ve made there before, that is it… like you DAC, the memory allowed, the Izotope settings, the EQ settings… it is not for your account name, serial number… you receive an email for that copy and save it :slight_smile:

Whenever i change something in the preferences panel, like izotope settings, i copy that file to another place for backup…
the same thing when i do a change in my music library i always go to: Home Folder, Library, Application Support, Audirvana and copy that file too… this one is for your music library (that, you don’t want to lose it) :slight_smile:

Storage location of EQ
Hard Disc… Users… Home Folder… Library… Audio… Presets… Apple (iZotope)… AUGraphicEQ (iZotope Ozone 7 Equalizer)

Yasuo, this is it! Thanks. I see them all.
Thanks also RunHomeShow, appreciate your time to help.