playback errors

hello - this is what i’ve got and what’s happening

audirvana + (2.6.5) integrated w/ itunes mode (2500 albums ripped in apple lossless ALAC)
2014 mac mini – 2.8GHz i5 -16GB DDR3 RAM – OS X El Capitan – 3TB external HD (thunderbolt)
mytek Brooklyn dac
I frequently get one of these three errors:

  1. after a period of playing (10 – 30 min) it starts clicking intermittently.
  2. while playing an album at the start of the next track it plays for 5-10 seconds then restarts that track
  3. while playing an album at the start of the next track it jump to some random song on some random album.

a shut down of audirvana and restart fixes it but how do i stop?

try trashing your A+ preferences…
User… home folder… library… preferences… com.audirvana.Audirvana-Plus.plist
restart Mac…