Please add Genres as a choice in the vertical library navigation pane on the left

Please add Genres as a choice in the vertical library navigation pane on the left.


Exactly. Brilliant.

Please put Local first… i don’t use radios streaming and heart

I HATE seeing nothing when i open my Studio, make it remember last view setting when reopen!!

27’’ inches iMac 5k resolution… seeing nothing on open compare to v3.5 s*cks big time i think…
on open picture… then after clicking albums picture… Arf!!


I am of like mind. Even better … choose what menu items you want on left side PERMANENT, cannot be closed) menu.

I would choose:

  • Local
  • Favourites
  • Radio

Yes please. Please show local music first @Antoine

Currently it takes a good 5 seconds for the UI to appear which is possibly due to it loading radio stations or other online content.

Also when you perform a search a local artist or album shows up first. As soon as you want to click on it Qobuz search results are fetched and reshuffle the search results. Pretty inconvenient.


I agree.

You can add a filter:

Too many clicks. A navigation menu Genres option would support a more fluid UX.


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