Please Responed! Need service

Is there anyone out there? Can I get help? I can not open this app. after loading.
This is the second time it has happened in the few weeks I have had it.
I have been trying to get assistance for more then a week.
Can you please respond…
You can follow the conversation in… App won’t open after install
I have messaged damien several times.
I have had this app for a few months with at least 3 weeks of non use due to these issues.
I’m beginning to think damien is an apt name for this service dept.


Are you on a Mac or PC? Does the app appear in the task manager?

It is a PC. Yes it was in task manager before I uninstalled again.
I think my PC needs to be cleared before I can reload and install the license…
That was the cure the last time this happened.
Thanks for responding