How can I expand podcast searching?
For example I’m searching a Podcast “Musica Maestro” di Armando Torno. It is easy to find with all the podcast app, but on Audirvana there isn’t. Also “lezioni di Musica” a Podcast of Rai Radio3.
Hi @Angelos58,
Can you confirm you are talking about these?
Yes, Musica Maestro.
Lezioni di Musica not only 2016
I will need to see if we can access those podcasts. I will let you know as soon as possible.
Hi @Angelos58,
It seems they are not in the airable catalog. I will ask them to add the podcasts for rai radio 3.
Hi @Angelos58,
Airable came back to me about those podcasts:
- there are no active podcasts from Rai Radio 3 (or Rai in general) in their database. Looking at the Rai podcasts it seems like they’re only available on their website and on “RaiPlay Sound”. They couldn’t find find any public feed URLs which they need to add them into their database.
- They found the “Music Masetro” podcast and they added it to the Airable Database.
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