Prioritizing Stability over New Features

Thank you for your dedication to maintaining the application and ensuring its continued success. In a world filled with buggy audio applications that often frustrate users with poor experiences, your efforts truly stand out. Your commitment to quality makes a real difference, and we appreciate your focus on delivering a reliable and stable system. By prioritizing stability over new features, you’re creating a foundation that users can trust and enjoy for years to come. Keep up the fantastic work—it’s genuinely valued!


Sound-quality and operational performance that meets high expectations without compromising sound-quality is the benchmark that folks like myself want… I am pleased with both, and fully expect this to be a trademark quality that will provide us with years of audio-bliss! … I personally don’t want Audirvana to be everything to everybody, at the expense of playback sound-quality… There are other players that compromise sound-quality in-order to be everything for everybody… Damien and the Audirvana team hang their reputation on the playback sound-quality of the audio-engine, by design… No compromises… this is what success sounds like. :sunglasses: Again, I thank the Audirvana team for maintaining the no-compromise sound-quality…

:notes: :eye: :headphones: :eye: :notes:


Mmmm, not sure about this title:
Stability over New Features

If we consider that there is like 3 softwares
for computer music listening with good sound…
HQPlayer, JRiver and Audirvana,
Only one is going in all directions
and trying to please everyone these days…
Did its sound changed for bad… not for me yet,
but… stability overall version of it, not sure.

Roon is software too, right? That they also sell devices on top of that is another matter.

And I think if you look it from just software then there are apps like BubbleUPnP, USB Audio Player Pro and MConnect as well.

But I can understand you remark regarding stability. My experience is reasonable stable now, and therefore I don’t tweak too much anymore. But it took me a month or two to get it like that.

Especially the connectivity isn’t always up to the level one would hope for. And from time to time weird skipping of (part of) tracks occur.

I have learnt to live with that and enjoy the sound. But it could be better.

The term “stability” is contextual and intrinsically tied to individual use scenarios and those subjective expectations…

I personally have many long unfettered listening sessions with Audirvana and have learned how to use the application to get the most from my playback component architecture… In the current update to 2.9.4 of Audirvana Studio on my system, my first impressions have me sensing a very tangible, incremental, improvement in playback sound-quality… My priority is the playback sound-quality in the context of my playback configuration of Audirvana in synergy with my component amalgamation and the ease of getting to and viewing my Library files.

:notes: :eye: :headphones: :eye: :notes: