Problem loading Qobuz playlists on Audirvana 3.5.50?

Is anyone else having problems today accessing Qobuz playlists on Audirvana 3.5.50? On my system (MacOS 12.4, US account, California), playlist icons display normally after Audirvana launches but when you select a playlist, it can’t load the contents.

The Qobuz web app is also having problems with long delays loading playlists (minutes, not seconds) but eventually they do load, unlike Audirvana where they fail to load.

Edit, next day: Same problem, so I deleted the Qobuz MacOS app and installed the latest version. Everything now works fine on both Audirvana and the Qobuz app. Interesting…

I got the same problem (MasOS 10.14.6, UK account)
edit: after i uninstalled / reinstall the qobuz app, and restart my Mac, it works!!!

maybe somehow related to its latest app support M1 clip???

Hello @TomJ adn @sili , do you still have your issue with Qobuz playlists?

Dear @Antoine , yup it happens again. Does it related to the latest qoubz have updated the desktop with Silicon support??

What happens in their app do not have an impact on Audirvāna Studio, unless it is for the playlist/favorites creation/removal. Personally I never had an issue to access to their content on my MacOs device. Have you tried to reinstall the app as you have done previously?

i think it is related to their stabilities when accessing them overseas? ( i was in UK but now being behind in HK, which they does not support)

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