Problems installing Version 18

Hi Damien,

Just tried to install the new beta. However, when it launches, there is no option for a trial version. There is just “buy” and “enter license key”. How do I fix this?


I just uninstalled and reinstalled, and now able to conduct trial.

This has happened a few times with previous betas.


I am having this problem again with one machine. I tried to install the new beta (version 20), but it does not give me the option to install a trial. I uninstalled and reinstalled and even cleared the registry of all audirvana entries, but still unable to get the window which allows a trial.

What should I do?


I’ve removed your trial licenses, so you can request now a new one.
You may need to delete the user.config file if you are not able to request one.

Still no luck.

Where can I find this config files?


In addition to not being able to locate the configuration file on this particular computer, I don’t see Audirvana when I look at the \AppData\Local folder. There is no entry for audirvana. When I look to uninstall the program, I can see the program in “uninstall”, but it is not in the above mentioned folder. What should I do?


Dumb question, but: do you have Win Explorer set to show hidden files?

I do. Its a problem with just one of my machines. The others seem to be installed correctly.
