Purchase Audirvana and they didn't send me license key

I purchase the Adirvana and they have not send me the license key.
I emailed them and it seems they don’t care
Paid $75 and they send me reference number but no license key!!!
I cannot use it no more

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Just wait for Damien tomorrow France time…

Hello @emil, I can see in our database that you already have a license you purchased back in 2019 but nothing since then, which mail did you use for the purchase?

It happens to me too. where can I have support?

As above, wait for Damien to reply tomorrow.

Hello @Floyd,

Have you made the purchase with the mail you use to login to the forum? If t’ts not the case, feel free to send me the mail address you used as I can’t find you in our database.

Hello thx u for answer.
Yes the email is the same. I bought yesterday trough Paddle.com

H Damien
Thank you so much! I got it

hello. lost my license key have tried email audirvana support to no avail. please send help and thank you. bought prior to march 2020 thanks

Did you write to support@audirvana.com?

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