Qobuz Favorites Sorting by Artist


Using Qobuz, I am able to see my favorites. However I am not able to alphabetize them by artist. As a matter of fact there seems to be no order to my favorites at all. It is impossible to find anything at all in any easy way. The same goes for the remote. There is no order to anything. Not by album and not by artist. I paid $8.99 for the remote and it is basically useless to me.

Can you please advise if there is a way to fix this? I am using the latest windows version and iOS 13.2.3 on my iPhone and iOS 13.3 on my iPad.

Hello @Romanotrax, This is a limitation from Qobuz which not allow us to do these kind of things. We would really like to implement this feature but for the moment we can’t.

I have recently downloaded a free Audirvana trial. I would purchase but the inability to sort Qobuz favourites is a deal-breaker. This can now be done in the Qobuz app. When if ever will Audirvana allow sort by Artist etc. ?

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You can sort your favorites by Artist in the Qobuz app, why not withAudirvana? Audirvana can do this with Tidal! I’m no programmer but this seems to be a basic function EVERYONE would want to use, who wants to scroll and dig through their favorites to find what they are looking for?

Hello @IvanHibben,

You need to understand that at the time that we have put Qobuz in Audirvana, this possibility wasn’t available. If it’s now available for third party software then we can take a look at it and bring it to Audirvana.

Dear Damien3,

And WHEN exactly will it be possible to sort favorite albums in Qobuz alphabetically.
With BubbleUPNP it has been possible for a long while; I’m using this app at least 6 months now; so the availability for third parties doesn’t seem to be the cause of this problem.
Please let us know.
Kind regards,

I would also like to see this, ASAP…

Thank you.

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When I first subscribed to Qobuz, using its own player, there were many problems with songs freezing etc. I subscribed to Audirvana because I also had Tidal and Qobuz via Audirvana was problem free. I have since cancelled Tidal and almost exclusively use Qobuz in its own PC player, as problems have been resolved. I would love to access Qobuz through Audirvana but not being able access favorites, via an alphabetized artist page, keeps me away. On Audirvana you seemingly have to do a search for artist/album or wade through the page of albums to try to find a favorite album you are wanting to access. Too time consuming/frustrating compared to using the Qobuz player, which admittedly may have slightly inferior audio quality. Definitely would be great to have the artist page and alphabetized.Right now I definitely am not getting the use out of Audirvana that I had paid and hoped for.

Un tri des favoris par albums, artistes et par genre serait un vrai plus !
D’autres applications (mconnect par exemple le font déjà)

No issues with UAPP. I am using my Qobuz account with the app and the favourites can be shorted out by artist, year, added date and title. If UAPP can do it I am sure you can do it as well. There are many comments, threads and requests for this function.

Roon also does this.

There you go. One more app without this issue. Thanks @Skyrider

For perspective, UAPP is $7.99.

It has been over a year now since i asked about this function using Qobuz. There is still no way to sort Favorites by Artist or Title. All favorites show up in the order they were chosen. You are able to sort by artitst or title in Qobuz. I would think, in over a years time, you should be able to figure out how to do this with Audivana. I can even do it with an app on my Android phone called USB Audio Player Pro with no issue and that app was $7.99.

Thank you

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Any idea if this will ever be addressed? Being able to sort Qobuz favourites by something other than most recently added.

Hello @nick2413,

You can do so in Audirvāna Studio. If you go in My Music section under Album, if you set the sorting as Artist, it will be the same in Qobuz favorite section.

Hello @Antoine :

Am I to understand that to sort Qobuz/Favorites/Albums I must subscribe to Audivarna Studio Classic for $7 USD/month or subscribe to Audivarna Studio Access for $70 USD/year? And sorting Qobuz/Favorites/Albums will not be available in the Audirvana I currently own? Thank you for any clarification.

If you want to do that, you will need to subscribe to Audirvāna Studio, but when you subscribe to Audirvāna Studio, you don’t only get this, you get the latest features from Qobuz like the auto play feature and really soon the My Weekly Q playlist form them. Their is a lot more in Audirvāna Studio that you do not have in 3.5 but for discover this, I invite you to try it yourself here: Try Audirvāna - Download Now And Start A 30 Day Free Trial

No, It will not be added in the version you own.