Recover Deketed File

How do I recover files in my Recycle Bin? When I right click on files, recover is not on of the options available.

Do you mean your recycle bin in Windows OS, Mac OS or Audirvana?
Can you send a screenshot of what recycle bin you mean?

In Audirvana, This what I see

In Audirvana you can not recover files with a right click but with a restore button.

Select one or more tracks you want to restore and press the button ‘Restore Selected’. See screenshot below:

On a Windows computer you can select multiple tracks in Audirvana with Ctrl + left mouse click. On a Mac I assume it is Cmd + mouse click, but probably a Mac user will correct me if I am wrong :wink:

Your screen shot is much clearer than mine. Is there something in Audirvana I can change? No other program is this fuzzy on my computer.

In Audirvana itself you can not change the screen quality. I think you need to change the scaling in your operating system. It also depends on the resolution of your monitor.

Maybe he meant yours is bigger :slight_smile:

@John_d you can try to put typo bigger in preferences of Audirvana

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The buzz word was fuzzy for me so my mind got all foggy. In that haze I went completely blurry regarding the sizes in Audirvana :slight_smile:

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