Reinstallation of Audirvana for Windows 10 on existing computer

I had to delete Audirvana for Windows 10 on this very computer. I had a broken original link (the link ended in something like ‘sqlite’ (so I deleted it). I think i messed something up by messing with things too much for greater optimization (which was stupid). Anyway, my bad for sure. i attempted to change the data link in Windows and on the Audirvana player to drive C, Music, New volume and re-transfer from the external drive to the new link. [Before doing this, I also erased the old “New Volume” and then reloaded it to the new link i created on this computer.] That was ok and i though things were fine. When I tried to rescan for the music, it still wanted to reference the bad original link for the re-scan, then wouldn’t let me back in to the player.

Bottom line: Should i just download the trial version again of Audirvana for Windows 10 and put in the key code which i had written down when i first got it?