Release note Audirvāna Studio 1.7

Following today’s update of Studio, here is the change log of this 1.7 version:


  • NEW: Large fonts display (Option in Settings, Appearance page)

  • Monterey (macOS 12) compatibility

  • Fix display issues with High Sierra (macOS 10.13)

  • Sort columns names in tracks list visible columns selection menu

  • Harden FLAC loader against corrupted files

  • Faster stop when upsampling to very high sample rate

  • Other minor fixes

Windows 10:

  • NEW: Large fonts display (Option in Settings, Appearance page)

  • Windows 11 compatibility

  • Fix option to disable screen saver

  • Sort columns names in tracks list visible columns selection menu

  • Harden FLAC loader against corrupted files

  • Faster stop when upsampling to very high sample rate

  • Other minor fixes