Remote not connecting on Samsung device

Hello all. I can’t get the remote app on my Samsung S23 to connect with the Studio app. I run the software on my Mac Mini and I I control the music directly everything works as it should.

I recently updated my modem but I have set both my phone and the Mac Mini on the new WiFi settings.

What am I missing?


Try to deauthorize all remotes in Audirvana and repeat the authorization entering the PIN code that shows up in Audirvana

Hi @Sandals,

We made improvements on the connexion of devices with the latest Audirvāna Remote update which is on a beta state at the time we speak. Would you like to try it out? If it’s the case, let me know and I will add you to the list of beta testers :wink:

I would love to try the beta version, how can I do that?

I will try that Stefano, thank you for your help!

It’s really simple, does the mail you use on the forum is the one you have connected to your Google Play app?

Yes it is

You are now one of our beta testers :blush:

To get the beta, simply click on the link below via your android phone and scroll to the end of the page to get the beta version:

Thanks Stefano, I have deauthorized the remote… How do I authorize now?

Just launch the app on your smartphone/tablet and the pin request should show up in Audirvana, enter that pin in the app end all should work

Thanks everyone. I had removed the app from my phone but I had not done a re-start. Once I got the app loaded it was a breeze to connect to my Mac Mini.