[Résolu] Erreur téléchargement version 1.7

Actually a nice technical development. The chance to socialize on a forum. the app installer in the meantime does some housecleaning and deletes historical files and then it works again.

Antoine’s first solution was also to restart the PC.


Also in the past I succeed with another solution: downloaded the .appxbundle file and installed the certificate (in the properties dialog, context menu). Also you can try enabling “sideloaded apps” or “developer features” in Settings. And Windows 11 is beta, as others said. Why people want to have always the latest things? Any benefits of using 11? For me clearly no, 10 is still supported.

Hello, everyone!

Apparently, within the last few minutes, Support has added a new working link for Windows 10 users on the download page in the account, see screenshot.
This link now works!


You’re very welcome, and I’m glad it worked for you. I was curious if doing the same with the folders (without uninstalling 1.6.4 first) and using the link in the app would work. I believe your experience has answered that question. :+1:

Other workarounds:

  • update net framework

  • update ms store / app installer

  • update windows

  • update edge (used for tidal connect)

So I guess my “fix” is no longer needed, which is great!

Edit: Now I wonder if the fix actually did anything because I didn’t try the link this morning before doing the additional steps. I’ll be curious to see if all of the install issues have been resolved without further steps needed, or at least the app installer problems we started seeing yesterday.

Vous avez été tellement nombreux à demander le téléchargement d’Audirvāna Studio 1.7 que cela a saturé temporairement le serveur de téléchargement.
Afin d’éviter à l’avenir un tel embouteillage, j’ai activé la mise en cache du fichier d’installation sur le CDN Cloudflare.

You have been so many to request the new Audirvāna Studio 1.7 download that the file server has been overloaded, and was sending those HTTP 429 (retry later) errors to many of you.
To avoid such bottleneck issue in the future, and serve the installer faster, I’ve activated caching on Cloudflare CDN for those installer files.
You can now request again the update.

Thank you for your patience, and enjoy your music!


Thank you for the quick fix. I wondered if the popularity of the update might be the reason. Looking forward to installing later today! (Out for a walk in the desert and typing this on my phone.)

Thank you, Damien, merci beaucoup!