Ripped MQAfile from MQA-CD report

I bought some of MQA-CDs from Universal music Japan. Most of them were recorded in 352.8 kHz/24bit MQA. And I ripped them in wave files and tried to listen with Audirvana for Windows beta. I could listen to the music, and MQA files were recognized. But file information lower left indicated " 16bit 352.8 kHz". Then the information upper right was "24bit 352.8 kHz. If the file was played correctly, both information windows should be “24bit 352.8 kHz”. I don’t know the file was played in 16 bit process or 24bit. This indication error was the same in 12 MQA-CDs. This is not an error of my DAC. First,
I used RME Babyface Pro and changed DAC to Chord HUGO2 and iFi audio xDSD. The indication error was the same. OS of my PC is Windows 10 Pro (64bit) and amount of memory is 64.0GB. CPU is Corei7 7820X.

actually Brother in the Arms was recorded digitally as 16 bit.
CD-Audio format use 16bit data only. In some cases It can have some added special noise for bit-expand (like HDCD, for example). MQA use similar trick, but old digital records from 80’s are not true way for Hi-Res experiments.

No, this MQA-CD was recently re-mastered from original analogue source.
Totally different version of Brothers In Arms. I know many different CDs were made of this famous album, and I have some.
And I know some people think MQA is a trick, and some other people criticize MQA hard for other reasons (like Stereophile)
It is rather difficult to understand and I know I understand only a part of it. But it is not HDCD, which needed special chip
to decode. The important point is the sound. I listened to many high resolution music and MQA is impressive. I don’t know
how to dig over 20kHz music information from -120~-160dB area of DC to 20 kHz . But some recording engineers
love MQA, including Chesky Records. I believe it is not for commercial reason.

I was check your link, but did not see any references to an analog source for Brothers. Lots of of nice words but nothing about transfer processes.
The only chance to beleive to tape-origin of your MQA-CD… just check a length of tracks. Analog master tape for vinyl edition of Brothers was contain more shorter tracks than CD issue.
Yes, MQA decoder are not builded as chip like old HDCD, but its also works like digital filter. Just a software filtering with weak aliasing. Both of them (HDCD and MQA) can sounds good why not?
I know, all MQA content on Tidal are come from usual 24bit masters.Because i working in pro indusdtry and never seen or listen about special gear as MQA-recorders. People just send final mix to the studio affiliated by Meridian and get back a MQA-coded content. Thats all.
Also you can upload one track to the cloud and i can look whats going on with your MQA-CD

Thank you for the reply. And I’m sorry about the link.I could not find other links written in English. I know the explanation in the page is not good. This is Warner Music Japan’s MQA-CD page, but it is all written in Japanese.
●マスターはDSDから変換した352.8 kHz/24bit音源をメインに採用
そんなハイレゾCDシリーズの第1弾としてラインナップされたのが、ユニバーサル ミュージックが誇る豊富なカタログから選び抜かれたクラシック、ジャズ、ポップスの名盤100タイトル。その多くでマスターとしたのは、日本企画ながら世界的な好評を博しているSACD~SHM仕様シリーズ用のDSD素材から変換した352.8 kHz/24bitファイルで、ここでしか入手することのできないデジタル未配信音源も含みます。一部、本シリーズのために新たにアナログ・テープから起こしたタイトルもあり!
This part is the explanation. And I try poor translation.
In most titles, we used 352.8kHz / 24bit files transformed from DSD materials for SACD~SHM series,which is a planning from Japan, but received favorable comments worldwide, as MQA-CD master. And the series contain titles you can get only in this series, which were not yet released in digital. We made some of the titles from analogue-master newly.

And I checked the length of the tracks as you wrote, and most of them were different from CD version of Brothers In Arms.

Brothers In Arms
1.So Far Away 4:52
2. Money for nothing 7:04
3.Walk Of Life 4:10
4. Your Latest Trick 4:43
5.Why Worry 5:24
6. Ride Across The River 6:58
7.The Man’s Too Strong 4:40
8. One World 3:41
9. Brothers in arms 6:58

So Far Away (Full Version) 5:08
Money For Nothing 8:30
Walk Of Life 4:10
Your Latest Trick 6:33
Why Worry? 8:29
Ride Across The River 7:04
The Man’s Too Strong 4:35
One World 3:38
Brothers In Arms (Album Version) 7:04

The 16bit displayed was a bug I’ve now fixed, the 24bit of the MQA decoded signal is what should be displayed.
The fix will be in build 1019


To damien
Thank you very much for quick response. I like Audirvana Plus for windows. I’m looking forward to Full version.

Thanks :slight_smile:
You can now update to build 1019 I’ve just released.


As i understand they use that SACD as source

DSD flat transferred from UK original analogue master tapes by Mick McKenna and Richard Whittaker at FX Copyroom, London, in 2014.
Edited in DSD by Masaru Takagi (SlProject) at Sunrise Studio, Tokyo in 2014.
176.4kHz/24bit transferred from DSD by Yumetoki Suzuki at Universal Music Studios, Tokyo, in 2014.
HR (High-Resolution) cutting from 176.4kHz/24bit at Victor Creative Media, in 2014

you can look at my little investigation about Brothers (use Google translate)
Despite the fact that at one stage for this edition an analog tape was used, the final studio mix was made in all-digital domain and has a hard cut at 20 kHz (see the spectrograms in my article)

To dir
Thank you for the detailed recording history of Brothers In Arms. And I
came to know most processes of my MQA version were done digitally.
Your investigation of Brothers In Arms is great. Though I have no knowledge
about Russian, I could understand a part of it through translation.
The master of MQA-CD will be SACD material as you say.
And I will listen to both CDs and MQA-CD. I can enjoy both.
I respect you knowledge. Thank you.