Rookie looking for advice

Good evening everyone.

I’d like to try Audirvana, particularly to play (Octave Records) DSD recordings.

I want to download the DSD files on a
simple HP Windows10, i3, 8GB laptop and I’d install Audirvana on this device as well (cleaned it completely and reinstalled Windows).

I plan to connect the laptop via USB to my Audio Analogue AA DAC, which can play native DSD up to 512. My streamer (Innuos Pulse) is not compatible with Audirvana I think…

So an Audirvana rookie-user looking for some advice, tips, tricks and the like.

Thanks & all the best, Laurens

Audirvana won’t upsample DSD, so you’ll be playing these files at their native resolutions. I don’t think it is much more complicated than pointing Audirvana to the directory where your files are located, letting it scan the files, and then playing whatever you like. If you run into problems, let us know.

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