Schedule for new releases?

Hi @Antoine,

Can you give us an idea about what the schedule for new releases look like? E.g. every Tuesday (patchday).

If I have correctly understood what Damien and his colleague said in the Launch video, any fix or new feature is supposed to be release as and when it is available.
This was their main justification for the new subscription model.
We shall see…

There is no schedule I’d imagine. We’d be lucky to get an update every couple of months. Since this programme works on 2 platforms and have concurrent updates, I’m thinking even longer periods between updates.

Asked a similar question on another thread, although more specifically to do with the analysation fix (opt-out) and an idea as to when we may see the updated remote app.
No respose as yet.

Thank you @Antoine for putting out a fix an updating Audirvana version 3.5 to 3.5.46. Much appreciated.