Search function lacks

Being new to Audirvana and I like the handling and the slick layout over iTunes. Even how tidal is integrated is very practical.

But when it comes to searching Audirvana fails big time. I’d like to search and ge ta result on every word. I inventorised a lot of tracks with multpile data inside the “genre”. It’s utterly useless now. I have 40.000 trakcs and I cannot find the ones I need.

The smartplaylist only works if u feed it I understand? I can’t veen begin to feed it since I would have to handpick every track within those 40.000 tracks.

Now I still can’t ditch iTunes after all

Smart playlists don’t need to be fill, they are smart :grinning:

i have made plenty for my likes… genre, sample rates and years
so whenever i put a new CD and have tags it goes instantly in the right place
the same CD goes in the Genre playlists…in is Sample Rates one and in is Year of release :slight_smile:

Thx for your answer, … but all my CD’s and Records are already in iTunes…

So I need my exsiting tracks in a smart playlist.
as an Electronic based collector and nostalgic collector…I add the the name of the Club the track used to be played. So when I search for a specific club, I get all the tracks from back in the day. Sweet memories…at least, in iTunes.

Mine were for me… do some for your need like different ones with the club name in… but i think also that you can export your playlists of itunes to Audirvana

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