Search function triggering beach ball

Only recently I noticed that the internal search bar triggers a “beach ball” with a total stall of the UI (while playback continues without any problems) for several minutes before the results are shown.

Admittedly, I have a large library with nearly 100K tracks, but I’ve never had this behaviour before, and it really shouldn’t happen on an M1 processor.

Does anybody else have this issue?

Hello @Musicophile,

Have you tried to use the three button in the maintenance part of Studio settings under Local section?

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I’ve done all database maintenance steps several times. No change. Whenever I start to type in the search filed, Audirvana goes immediately to “non responding”, blocking an entire core for several minutes.

Is mdsstores eating up cpu ?

Can you force Audirvāna Studio to quit and send us the report generated at

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Thanks Antoine, just sent you the report.

It is unfortunately still happening.

I received the report, I will take a look at it as soon as possible and report you back.

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