Setting VST Location

There needs to be a way to point to the VST folder you want load plugins from. I produce music and have a million plugins in a bunch of different folders. It takes five minutes at least to start Audirvana because it has to search for plugins in so many folders. If I turn off vst processing the app loads very quickly.

You get to point to the Local Music folders you want to use. I don’t get why this is not the same for VST’s.

If there is a way to do this and I’m missing something please let me know.


Hi @DS94,

Audirvāna on Windows is only compatible with VST3 plugins, you then do not have to put the plugin on a folder this the folder is by default always the same for VST3 plugins.

Understood. I do have hundreds of vst3 plugins so it’s still makes it take forever to load. Would it be possible to specify a folder within the CommonFiles/VST3 folder for Audirvana so that I can avoid this?

Hi @DS94,

I don’t know if it’s feasible, I need to look for this with Damien.

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