Smart Playlist issues in 3.5.2


After updating from 3.2 to 3.5.1 and then 3.5.2 everything seemed to be working except for three smart playlists that are based on timescale.

In 3.2 I had created the following three lists: ‘today’ ‘last 7 days’ and ‘last 30 days’. They no longer list anything that has been played.

I have a number of other smart playlists for artists and genres and they are all working correctly. I have also re-created the above three lists in the 3.5.2 but they don’t work either.

Further to this, unless I am missing something, I don’t see an obvious way to delete or edit existing smart playlists. I would have expected to find these commands in the file menu with the other playlist commands. Next obvious option was to ctrl click on a smart playlist to get a contextual menu, sadly that wasn’t the answer.


Just do a right click on the smartlist…

Thank you Lolodesiles you have answered my questions, so simple :smiley:

I never have right click enabled, I prefer to use ctrl click instead - I should have thought about that! Even so it would be nice for ctrl click to work as it is standard mac osx behaviour.

Now I am able to edit the playlists I can see that the number of days had been changed to 0 where it should have been 7 for the ‘last 7 days’ list for example.

All working correctly, thanks again.