Hi @Footy Welcome to the forum. I’ll try and help you about the questions that you have:
No. Smart Playlists can only be created using Local Music. eg Digital Files on your Computers, NAS or External SSD.
Yes. AS (Audirvana Studio) imports the Metadata from your Streaming Service and has a built in Service that will try and Identify all Music that you add locally. See these screenshot/s. First is your Settings under Local which shows you the Metadata Scan and Audio Signal Analysis Buttons. Second is what comes through from Local and it is pretty much the same for Tidal and Qobuz.
I have also attached a screenshot of one way where you can create a playlist. Click 1 to start, click 2 to create. The circled list is a smart playlist for local files, the one on the left is a normal playlist for use with Streaming and Local Files (Screenshot shows Tracks from all sources in a Playlist i created) The Centre one is to create a folder, eg I have a Jazz Folder with 15-20 Various Jazz Styles/Albums etc housed within that folder so that it makes it a bit easier to keep separate from my other Genres…
Random in so much as what order you put them into the queue, but of course you don’t need a playlist to do that, just add them one after another to the end of the play queue. You can the either click or not click the shuffle button. Another way is to have your Streaming preference set to Autoplay from last track played. This will allow your Streaming Service to add Tracks based on your track played. Same as what you may have set up already on your streaming service. If you like what played. you can then select the songs and add to a playlist that you have created by Drag & Drop, Copy, Cut etc.
I find the best thing to do is to explore what all the buttons on the software does, click the question marks where they show as they will give you tips on how to use it.
Take the time to explore and you will enjoy it. Good luck.
Ad. 2 - but MusicBrainz does not work for streaming tracks, right? If I add some local files I can see “an act of scanning” but nothing is happening for streaming tracks.
Ad. 3 - I was rather thinking of something like radio, I have all my library and want to listen random 100 tracks. Or random 100 tracks where genre is electronic. Let’s assume I have only streaming tracks, not local.
Re Ad.3 As I said previously you need to play around and see how the playlists work and how you do sorting etc. There are no specific ways that I know of to get 100 random tracks play from your Streaming Library, other than adding 10 albums that you have selected (approx 100 tracks) into a playlist and hitting the shuffle button, but that is not really what I think you may be looking for? And that goes the same as if they were all “Electronic” Albums.
If you want to plat around with something like that you would do the following (I have attached Screenshots of Fav Jazz Albums to hopefully make it a bit easier to follow/understand)
Add a Folder to your Playlists. Mine is called as indicated above
Make 5-6 Playlists of a couple of albums each of your Electronic Artists
Once these are made, Drag and Drop the 5-6 Playlists into the Folder
Click the folder and you will see the playlists. At the top right you will see 3 Dots, click this and select “Show Folder Contents”
Use the sorting selection up/down buttons to sort how you want to see the aggregated folder contents. If it’s still not random enough for you you can hit the shuffle button and play the music. It should be reasonably random but it is still based on what Streaming Album you have added to your original playlists.
Unfortunately Im finding it difficult to concentrate for very long so I hope this helps as I probably won’t reply again for that reason, however if you search though my posts (I don’t think that there are that many) where it is in relation to playlists you will be able to read not just mine, but others very good tips on what can and can’t be done.