Song skipping bugs

Hello all!

I have several problems with Audirvana for Mac, I’ll explain. -> In this video, you can see that when I manually skipped the song, it completely skipped 2nd song and played 3rd right away. This would happen also if I’d let the music play! And it’s not happening just with 2nd song, it can happen anytime. -> Here in this video, I simulated this behavior in the middle of the list. You can also notice, that the skipped song is simply not playable from the previous song! So f.e. when Im listening to some album that I know very well and I notice that song was skipped (you know that feeling when at the end of one song you start playing the next song in your head), sometimes I can even play the skipped song and I need to play random another and then play the skipped.

Hope it makes sense. Does this happen to you too?

Btw, are there any future plans with Audirvana for Mac? I noticed Damien is active in Audirvana for Windows section, releasing new versions and commenting on posts. Here you guys are just chatting with yourselves.

Still having this problem when streaming over DLNA to my Yamaha WXAD-10. Is this something that can be fixed? Because it’s like the most annoying thing ever. It basically makes Audirvana unusable for DLNA streaming. And im not the only one with this problem, in the Windows section there are guys having this problem from 2017.

Hello @Tekayi. Have you experienced this issue with Audirvana 3.5?

Hello, yes, all the time. Currently with version 3.5.29

When I just play album with 10 songs, usually 6 I hear and 4 get skipped.

Have you contacted Yamaha regarding your issue? You maybe have an update for your DAC that need to be done to fix this.