I’m liking Audirvana and will probably swap from Roon ( even though they offered me half price to stay )
So I reviewing the metadata to make sure all is correct - I have had a few issues ( Yep, really ) and I don’t really know how to fix them
so, 1st example
I have a box etc of CDs (5 ) I have loaded them into Metadatics - an app for the I Mac - so each CD is 1 of etc - , all have the correct song and Artist info and Album title ( Young at heart - early hits of the 80s ) , you can load all of the set into the program and highlight them and it will tell you if any of the dats differs , which it doesn’t . So all good , but when I look at Audirvan is see the album listed twice .
Listing once has 5 Cds but Tracks 1 to 5 are on a separate listing
Both are identical and I don’t know what else to do…
and the second issue is I find the artwork and add it , but It just does not appear, no matter how many times I add it
My experience is that sometimes rescanning your local catalogue can do the trick. Regarding the artwork I have discovered that the size of the used files usually is the cause here. If you can upload a smaller file, than there’s more chance of success.
I use dBpoweramp by the way. Besides ripping it’s a great app for adjusting meta data as well. Afaik it is available for iMac so it could be an alternative.
I do use BDpoweamp and it’s great - for the newer stuff I’m more meticulous about the data, but some the older stuff is questionable . I am, however getting there, its a long experience but I have picked up some tips along the way
as far as the artwork is concerned 0 using something like Metadatics - is hit or miss if the artwork works ( so to speak ) I have found that its not enough if the picture is in the folder or that Metadatics has embedded it . I have noticed that if I drag the artwork from wherever and put it in the Album folder - then open the “INFO” and select the folder option - if I drag the picture to the ARTWOK icon on the info tab it works straight away …I hope I have explained that well
II have also noticed that even if there are 4 albums and it all looks perfect - the dates may differ from each one . It’s not a deal breaker just something else you need to know .
One last thing - I have. collection of 40 CDs and I have checked, checked, re checked and then rechecked and It still listing as 40 albums rather than 1 Album with 40 discs. I am at the point of removing the collection from Audivirna
Could you post a screenshot of the metadata of the 5 files in question, alongside a screenshot of the titles that appear to be correct?
Also, and I shit you not, I’ve had albums separating randomly due to differing artwork associated with the individual files.
I use both DbPoweramp and MP3tag. Both work extremely well imo.
Hi Ironz
I’m working my way through my collection …and I have noticed the Majority of the problems ( And tis is a personal preference ) for example a 2 cd set may have Best of CD1 , then Best of CD2 - so it lists a 2 Albums, I prefer to have one album the listed as Disc1, then Disc 2 - makes the front end less cluttered , also I have noticed that some of my CD rips have comments and Audrivina don;'t like these either - so I remove them and it works
Its a long process - and I thought my data was in good order !
When I have a title that spans multiple discs, I locate them all within the same folder. I retag the filenames, prefixing the title with the disc number. This ensures that they’re located in the correct order.
I also tag the files with their correct disc number.
I’m sure you do the same, but a screenshot (from MP3tag) for reference:
Funny you stare at something so long - 2 different things look the same !
I have deleted , what appears to be a duplicate folder and now it looks OK
I have some missing stuff now that I’ve cleaned up and it’s vanished - but I’m working my way through the folders
I’m sorry but I’m really struggling with this program and the way it Handles the Metadata - I want to understand what I need to do. I could just delete the duplications, but If I had to start from scratch ( like I did yesterday ) the deleted ones come back
so …same issue as before
I’ve fixed the Meta , and sometimes it works and sometimes is don’t
Don’t really want to spend the rest of my life ( I’m 62 ! ) on fixing this
To be Honest Antoine - I’m on the verge of giving up trying to get the Meta right, sometimes it works, sometimes not. There don’t seem to be any logic to its behaviour
I use a proper paid for Meta editor (Metadatics) everything is how it should , sometimes it works…but often leave me with 2 copies …
The community have been helpful and although I will purchase after my trial, I realise there is no quick fix and will do it piece meal
I have an fear that if fro some reason I have to re install I will loose changes
Thanks for your reply
and yes - Audriva is open - I need to see if the changes work , and I do a rescan - and…sometimes it works sometimes it don’t !