Stops at end of first track

Yes, but the speakers are limited to 16/48. I also checked it when I plug headphones into the laptop directly and have the same problem even though it should be able to handle 24/48.

Thank you.

Bonjour Damien,
même problème pour moi depuis la dernière MAJ. En streaming le passage au second titre ne se fait pas. Arrêt à la fin du premier,. Lancement manuel obligé de la seconde plage.
Les changements de plages suivantes se font normalement.
Très enquiquinant !
ça ne le fait pas avec la lecture de mes CDs rippés, ni avec le lecteur de Qobuz.

(Windows 10, V 3.5.45)

J’ai le même problème depuis maintenant 4 semaines, mise à jour 3.5.45 sous Windows 10.
Du coup, j’ai abandonné le steaming qobuz ou Tidal, et j’écoute exclusivement mes fichiers locaux qui fonctionnent bien.
En espérant qu’une solution sera trouvé pour les utilisateurs de tidlala ou qobuz mais je comprend la frustration des utilisateurs.

Please, if this cannot be fix immediately just roll back to the previous version that worked. This has gone on too long and our listening experience is ruined.

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et ça ruine aussi la réputation d’Audirvana …!!!



depuis quelques jours j’ai le même problème,
à la différence que la lecture se bloque en plein morceau.

I was able to resolve this - it was the setting in the “Streaming Qobuz account” area that had gotten set to “lossy”. Not sure how that happened, but it plays high res now.

Pour info,

passé la lecture du premier morceau de musique,
le second s’affiche avec la durée du premier puis
se bloque avant le lancement du 3ème…

It is really strange - there are some albums that run always without problems. But most do not. Don’t know what the difference would be. eg. The Album from Raphael feuillatre - Guitar Recital. runs always smoothly through. Other albums also with 44.1 kHz not. hm.
Is there a way to just get a link to the old version where everything runs smoothly. It is not acceptable having the best stereo system of the world here - and being not able to hear music since month. The whole concept of my system is based on Audirvana…

Hello @Radiohead,

So the track goes from one to the other properly after you have changed this setting?

Sometimes it does some times it doesn’t play through. I’ll experiment with it more today and see if I can provide more detail on when it works and when it doesn’t.

From : Damien3


Hello Everyone,

I’m sorry for this situation and the frustration you have around it. It’s really really difficult for us to find the reason why you have this issue and we need to make more investigation about it.

That being said for those who have the issue, you can find the older version fo Audirvana 3.5 below but make sure it look at the procedure below if you do not want to loose any of your Favorites/playlist from Audirvana:

Before installing this older version, make sure you have made a back up of your AudirvanaPlusDatabaseV2.sqlite file.

You should find it here:
C:\Users[your login]\AppData\Local\Packages\Audirvana.Audirvana-[… id number that can vary]\LocalCache\Local\Audirvana\AudirvanaPlus

After you have made the back up, uninstall your version in the Windows 10 settings in the App section.

Her is the link:

I experimented some more today and what I find is that songs that are high res and over approximately 5 minutes long will not advance to the next song when they are the first song played - either first song on an album or the first song you play in a playlist (i.e., could be in the middle of the playlist). Songs that are standard resolution or under about 5 minutes seem to play through ok.

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Salut Damien,

même problème après installation
de la version précédente d’Audirvana:
suite à la lecture d’un premier morceau,
le second commence avec le nom et la durée du premier,
puis se fige avant la lecture du 3ème…

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