Strange behavior when a track is played

Now that the server is finally fixed and we are once again able to get past the verification page, I found that each time a track is played, a new installation .dmg file is downloaded automatically. This was discovered after several hours of playback and with each .dmg taking up 34.3MB, they add up pretty quickly. Seriously, this needs to be fixed asap.

We do not download a dmg each time you click play on a track. What makes you think it is the case? Can you please record your screen?

It happened after the track is played - never encountered anything like this. I just restarted my machine and it may have fixed it (still testing).

It’s still happening, despite me not even having Origin open. Screenshot attached.

Do you have this page opened on a web browser? Download Origin - Audirvana

Aha, that seems to have been the issue - interesting that it refreshes itself every 30 min.