Studio configuration

How to prevent Studio from generating UPnP RAW .PCM file (:49152/audirvana/audio_0.PCM) instead of usually generated .WAV file (:49152/audirvana/audio_6.WAV) ?

RAW .PCM has no headher - so is unsupported by DAC…

Good point and I wonder if this is the reason why so many people are having trouble with UPnP in some form or other. I wonder if it is random or constant and is it dependant on file resolution or upsampling setting? My dacs work with UPnP in Studio if I use hires but not 16/44.

You are right - but I think, that it is not impossible to correct this issue in Studio - in 3.5 the problem is not so bothersome…

@Antoine - what do you think about it?