Studio crashing and stop button?

Wow Damien, I think you are going to be busy!
I wish you luck!!
I have 3.5.45 and it was set as a start-up app which i think was conflicting with studio and not allowing it to start. I have disabled it and studio now starts however I have these issues so far.

It crashes for unknown reasons.

It crashes on startup sometimes and when the option to see minidump is selected it does not open in explorer.

I am unable to find the stop button in order to change output device, only pause.

I have found report.wer file here which i assume is the minidump

and another here

Once it has crashed the only way for it to open is by restarting the pc.

let me know if I can send you any of the files if they are of help.

Kind regards

I meant to add that when it crashes i check task manager to end any audirvana process but it still won’t start without restart of pc

It is now not starting at all :frowning:


Can you send us your log file and dmp at

It can be in two different locations :
C:\Users[your login]\AppData\Local\Packages\Audirvana.Audirvana-[… id number that can vary]\LocalCache\Local\Audirvana\Audirvana
C:\Users[your login]\AppData\Local\Audirvana\Audirvana

Do you see the lock on the right bottom of Audirvana?

Hi Damien, your user support is fantastic, I hope that this subscription model allows for you to have some more staff to help out!!
Unfortunately Studio will not open at all, it crashes and creates the mini dump each time therefore I cannot see the lock.
Does the lock signify that audio options are disabled?
I have emailed the requested files.
Many thanks.

@Antoine I have re-installed and so far it is running.
I see a lock that is in the unlock position however there is no stop button, only pause.
Also another cause of it crashing on the 1st installation was if i turned on an audio output (ie my receiver) after studio was already running.

@Antoine , apologies I should have waited, it crashed when scanning music folder and now crashes before opening again.
It can’t start.

Hello @garrfish, can you send us again your dmp file? It may contain the source of the issue you have.