Suggested Analytics

One of the issues with large libraries is managing them and, quite frankly, remembering what you have. Some music will migrate to your playlist and while others fall off and get forgotten but not necessarily intentionally.

I would like to suggest some fairly straight forward analytics from the database.
For example:
A simple histogram report of the albums that have been played in the last X days. (histogram shows number of times the album has been accessed. (Tracks can be the same report).
A report with histogram on the albums that have the most plays in X days, histogram (histogram shows number of times the album has been accessed. (Tracks can be the same report).
A report with histogram of the albums that have the fewest plays in the last X days.histogram (histogram shows number of times the album has been accessed. (Tracks can be the same report).
A report on albums never played.

Those five reports would help me stay up on my library and my listening trends and help me rotate music back in that gets set aside when I get new files.

If these can be exported as a CSV then even all the better. Then more sorting etc can be done in a spreadsheet.

( I can see the core functionality is there, I can see that in the smart playlist…would like to have it formalized with a visual report with histogram…(might just throw it up in an HTML with the option to export like the smartlist has now))