SysOptimizer Error A+ 3.0.2

Get the following - returning - error in A+ 3.0.2. under El Capitan 10.11.6:
“SystOptimizer Error. There was an error executing SysOptimizer. Not all optimizations may be done. Error= Broken pipe”
What can I do to get rid of this? Or will it be fixed in an update? Thanx!

I also have this error now too :disappointed:
Never had any problems with A+ since long long time now.

Someone suggested on a forum to disable spotlight in the SysOpt Preferences of A+.
Seems to work now till Damien repair the System Optimizer repairs :smiley:

Have spotlight disabled, but this doesn’t work for me.

you restarted just to be sure…

ooops i meant… not check Spotlight…

like this

I’ll give it a try !

I too have the “Error = broken pipe” message, at which point the program freezes, and it must be restarted. This has occurred twice in the two days since upgrading to 3.02. I just unchecked to disable spotlight, and will report if I continue to see this error.

Do you still get this error after rebooting?


For me unchecking Disable Spotlight has no effect. Message still appears. Have rebooted A+ but not my OS.

3.0.3 still give me the pipe broken message… but unchecked Disable Spotlight, still works for me

After rebooting my OS the broken pipe message still appears.

Since 3.0.2 System Optimizer was buggy for me, so today i trashed all my preferences except the music database, and i downloaded again the 3.0.1 image then i pass to 3.0.3 without touching 3.0.2 update. After many restarts of A+ and Mac Mini, and putting back all checked case of System Optimizer, all seems fine now, fingers crossed :slight_smile: ?!?

No luck again today… broken pipe… back with 3.0.1
didn’t happened yet with this version :frowning:

I received the following error message after starting A+ 3.0.2: Sysoptimizer error there was an error executing sysoptimizer not all optimization may be done error = broken pipe Can anyone tell me what i should do in these circumstances please

Go to the main Library Folder… PrivilegedHelperTools folder… Trash that folder. Enter your password.
restart MAC… download A+ latest version 3.0.3 replace your old in Applications.

Start A+, play a song… it will ask to install again SysOpt do it and hpes it will works fine now :slight_smile:

I’m currently rewriting SysOptimizer for 3.0.4
This will solve these issues.

Cool :slight_smile:
it seems that the A+ preferences got corrupted passing with v3 in many places for many people…
mine is all good now… don’t see the broken pipe message since 4, 5 days now… waiting for 3.0.4 :slight_smile:

i just got a message to install a new version of SysOptimizer is it safe to use and is there some that should be UNCHECKED in SysO preferences like Spotlight