
Thanks to @Damien and @Antoine (and anyone else involved who I may have missed). Audirvana for Linux has very quickly become software that Just Works. I happily listened to music for over 4 hours today, no problems at all.


Have to say, that in my experience, Audirvana on a Mac is software that just works.


Glad to hear everything’s working for you.

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There are some instability from the remote (on Android, I killed the app and delete data, I sent traces to support)
But the sound quality is so great ! An huge huge Rise of SQ on my system…

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I’ve been more than pleased with Audirvana on a Mac since Damien used to send out source code and we’d debate the sound quality of different compilers, so yep. :+1:

An interesting thing is that because the Mac is usually in my office and the main system is in my living room, I’m using UPnP, and there are occasional quirks with this on the Mac and Win versions. But the Linux version, out barely over two weeks and still in beta, doesn’t have any of those. Regardless, I’m delighted I can now listen to Audirvana no matter which of my operating systems I’m running.

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I just happy it’s so good on Mac, because it’s the only operating system that I feel comfortable using! The others involve too much fiddling with to optimise.


When Jud gets up to 18 months of faultless playback which is where I am with UPnP on macOS then I would still stick to macOS. I prefer to listen not tinker. Each to his own, competition is good for all users. Now if Apple had of gone bust before Jobs return I would almost certainly be running a flavour of Linux…… I like the UNIX architecture underpinning them both.


You’re right about the fiddling. :slightly_smiling_face: There’s an interesting contrast between Mac (and Win) and Linux here, which is that Linux is intended for you to be able to fiddle with (open source), while MacOS and Windows are not.

So whatever could be the advantage in that? Seems as if it would just be aggravation.

A couple of reasons I can think of. First, after the fiddling phase, the ensuing stability is like nothing else. There’s a reason the vast, vast majority of enterprise servers are Linux. Second, keeping old features or getting new ones. We’ve been waiting in vain for years for Apple to please please get the ability to run native DSD. Meanwhile I literally saw a guy on an audio forum say “Oh, you want native DSD? Let me work on it and get back to you,” and bango, native DSD on Linux (which you originally had to fiddle with to obtain yourself but then was just adopted into the mainstream). And remember Direct Mode on Mac and how an Apple operating system change took it away? Well there’s no CEO of Linux to do something like that. It’s the difference between having to convince a major corporation of something, and having to persuade a couple of people somewhere in the world. Easier to turn a speedboat than the Queen Mary.

In the end it’s options. For the folks whom fiddling exasperates, there’s Mac and Windows. For the folks who don’t mind tinkering if it gets them to a good place in the end, there’s Linux. Vive la difference!


What I see with trying to include Linux is this has opened an impossible scenario for support… The variations of Linux implementation, inherently create this impossible scenario… Just pick one and focus on it!

The problem still, is the lack of vertical integration as there are so many perspectives on how Linux is configured to address the hardware API’s… What Apple Inc. in macOS and iOS, etc, has now brought to the table (and other FPGA-centric devices) is a codified set of API protocols, vertically integrated to the hardware platform.

With Linux, in the context of Audirvana, and trying to support the different flavors of Linux on the myriad of potential system configurations, is like trying to herd cats…

From the outside looking in, the Linux threads are filled with the noise of ineptness, far beyond what a Windows or macOS user produces when they are lost or inexperienced… No programming adroitness required…

However, as Little Big Man said to General Custer at Little Big Horn, when Custer asked him if he should go down into the valley…

(Little Big Man) “General Custer… You Go Down There…” :smirk: :point_right: … After Custer rationalized why Little Big Man wanted him to go down into the valley, he ordered his detail into the valley, where they were met with an overwhelming mass of native nations waiting for them… The rest is history…

This is the case with trying to appease all potential Linux users of different flavors and playback system amalgamations… It is a no win scenario, if not focused on a particular Linux flavor.

:notes: :eye: :headphones: :eye: :notes:

Or a Next computer… or a Sun SPARC system… :wink:

Yeah, but SOME people actually enjoy the challenge, and from what I’m reading on this site would suggest that (gasps in astonishment) the end result may even be better than that of the company started by Saint Jobs of Cupertino.

Honestly fella. you appear to have the opinion that any resource spent by Audirvana on a Linux build is a waste of time. Is perhaps too complicated. And that’s fine. Each to their own.
However, why do you constantly feel the need to continuously pipe-up about it.
If you’re not a lover of the Linux build, leave the thread to those that are and stay off of it. Hard to accept, but not everyone needs your pearls of wisdom.


How do you define “even better” in the context of the hardware platform implementation and the synergy of the OS?

In the context of supporting Linux users, this is my position…

I believe there is an Eagles live album title for when that’ll happen. :slightly_smiling_face:


My first computer usage at work was a Sun Sparcstation. Loved it!


It’s not a matter of love… I don’t use Windows either… I see the issue being exposed in the threads @Jud is supporting and the number of Linux distributions at play… It seems your bias is more deeply held… :roll_eyes:

I think hell will freeze over when these biases are rationalized with technical acumen… Jud seems to be holding-on with some expert help coming to the rescue… How well, supporting the different distributions and adapting to the inherent changes, works-out (due to the nature of being Open Source) is yet to be determined. But when the smoke clears and a definitive Linux distribution is determined by consensus, as to having the attributes of being the easiest to implement and best sounding, I suggest this is the trajectory to follow, :sunglasses:

And what bias may that be?

[quote=“Ironz, post:11, topic:40958”]
… the end result may even be better than that of the company started by Saint Jobs of Cupertino.

The cognitive-bias that precipitated the above stated commentary quoted here…

:notes: :eye: :headphones: :eye: :notes:

I could’ve easily mentioned Saint Gates of Redmond, but I know what a fanboy of Apple you are, so assumed it’d be redundant :shushing_face:
FYI, I’ve used Audirvana with Win 10/11, Apple ‘whatever flavour works’, and Linux.
No bias whatsoever.
Gave up on Linux, as have limited knowledge of the OS. However was fun whilst it lasted (many thanks @Jud ).

As an aside, mentioning ‘coginitive bias’ every-other post on here really doesn’t make you appear any more intelligent than other posters on this site.
Just slightly more pretentious.
Anyway, really can’t be arsed anymore, so chalk that down to yet another win for you :+1: Well done.


So this gives you authority to define my perspective…? :smirk:

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