TIDAL Cover Art missing in My Music


I have a problem with my Windows 10 Version of Audirvana and TIDAL. On the first page of the “Albums” view in “My Music” which I sorted by recently added, there are always four to six album covers missing. These missing covers are always at the same spot of the list, thus when I add another album on top the “missing spot” stays the same and now another album cover is missing. I added a screenshot so that you can see what I mean. I only have this problem with the “My Music” view. Not with other TIDAL views nor with local music. Thanks a lot!

Hello @Floschi123, do you also have this issue when you use other sorting view of My Music ?

This is only in the “Sort by date added” view when sorted by “Most recent”…Very strange indeed…

It seems to be a general problem with the “Sort by date added” function. Also when I sort it by the oldest albums, there are also several random covers missing…