TIDAL: My Daily Discovery

I hope they will come back to me quickly :wink:

The Tidal playlists “mixis for you” (my mix 1 -8) appear in Audirvana. Is the Tidal playlist - “my daily discovery” also available somewhere? If not, it would be very nice.

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Hi @rainer1,

I need to send an email back to them, I didn’t have an answer from them since 2024-01-12T23:00:00Z


I told you :rofl:
They will not answer unless they need, or issue is related on tidal itself, I am sure…
Please try gain, only way to get their response is ask again and again… :joy:

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I will follow. I’m on trial and my subscription of Audirvana will depend on getting my daily discovery and my new arrivals lists to Audirvana. I have them on my mconnect and also GN Connect, which is the Gold Note app. I’m surprised that Audirvana doesn’t have them.

My last response for this thread is almost 2 months ago. Since then, there was updates from Audirvana without this feature.
Now I just use mConnect for save daily discovery to my playlist every single day, and save my new arrivals to my playlist every month.

Because of this saved daily discovery playlist, I have to connect my unattended Audirvana mini PC by VNC every day, and restart Audirvana every day. Because, there is no refresh function for Audirvana in order to get externally updated my playlist. This also very annoying. Otherwise, I need delete one of playlist which I don’t like, then newly added playlist comes up.

I ask mainly these 2 things to Audirvana -
My daily update / My new arrival / My most listened / and if possible, each month’s my most listened list to show on Audirvana.

But as Audirvana answers said, it is Tidal who have to provides these new protocols, and they asked it to tidal 2 times already, but did not get any answer from Tidal. Maybe later? But as you use mConnect, how on earth they already implements these feature? On mConnect, these list I can use since… almost 2 years ago…

And there is another issue I ask to Audirvana, which is also related first “My daily update” issue, I need “Refresh” or “Reload” function for update any newly added/modified/deleted playlist from Tidal and Qobuz without restart Audirvana.
But Audirvana’s answer was, just restart program. As I said, my Audirvana is running on unattended pc, which has no keyboard, mouse and without monitor, only network is connected, not even storage - my library is saved on other server, 10TB disk array. So everyday restart Audirvana is really pain in the a**. When I restart Audirvana remotly, my iPad’s Audirvana app lost connection, and I have to reconnect it again every day.

I ask, that these “simple” features will makes many user happy, that I believe, but God knows when it can de there… :wink: Everything is up to Audirvana…!!!

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What I miss the most in Audirvana is the “My daily Discovery” function. Is there a chance that this functionality will appear?