Tidal unable to stream randomly on Denon AVR1500H

When streaming to my Denon AVR from Tidal, songs in a playlist are unable to play, apparently at random. If I go back and try to play them again, they often work. The problem occurs when streaming from Audirvana on my Mac mini over power line ethernet, and also using wifi from my MacBook Pro.

I just tried to share the debug info, but it wouldn’t let me post.

I can solve the problem by switching to MQA renderer under the device settings to that Audirvana sends the file without unfolding, but this means I cant listen to MQA above 16/44.1. Also, MQA playback works fine with albums even with audirvana unfolding. The problem only occurs with playlists. Lastly, when using my DAC that is connected to my Mac Mini via optical the problem doesn’t ever occur.

Hello @jayparker,

Can you send me a copy of the “Debug Info”? You can get it in Audirvana Settings>General>Debug Info

Note: By clicking on the Debug Info button, Audirvana automatically copies all its content, all you have to do is paste it in response to this message

Audirvana Mac Version 3.5.42 (3572)
macOS 10.13.6 with 8192MB RAM

Registered to myshkinwannabe


Polarity Inversion:
	Globally: OFF
	Per track: ON
Effects plugins NOT ACTIVE

SoX not in use
SoX filter parameters
Bandwidth at 0dB = 99.5
Filter max length = 30000
Anti-aliasing = 100
Phase = 66

Max allowed volume: 100
Replay Gain: None
SW volume control: OFF

Sync list: 1 folders
AUTO: /Users/jay/Documents/Music
iTunes/Music library synchronization: last synchronized on Fri Sep 18 21:54:32 2020

Library database path: /Users/jay/Library/Application Support/Audirvana/AudirvanaPlusDatabaseV2.sqlite

TIDAL: Connected as HIFI

=================== AUDIO DEVICE ========================

Preferred device: Denon AVR-X1500H Model UID:Denon Denon AVR-X1500H UID:uuid:bad7f6b4-1580-1e21-0080-0005cdf691c6

Currently playing to UPnP device at 24 bits 96kHz
Selected device:
UPnP device at
ID 0x0 Denon AVR-X1500H Manufacturer:Denon
Model UID:Denon Denon AVR-X1500H UID:uuid:bad7f6b4-1580-1e21-0080-0005cdf691c6

6 available sample rates up to 192000Hz
Volume control: No
MQA capability
Auto-detect MQA devices: Yes
Not a MQA device, user set to not MQA
DSD capability: Unhandled
Device audio channels
Preferred stereo channels L:0 R:1
Channel bitmap: Ox3, layout:
Channel 0 mapped to 0
Channel 1 mapped to 1
UPnP/DLNA supported protocols:
DLNA 1.5: No
Gapless playback: Yes
Missing events workaround: Yes
Can play native DSD: No
Number of channels: 2
Use as stereo device only: No

1 output streams:
Number of active channels: 2, in 1 stream(s)
Channel #0 :Stream 0 channel 0
Channel #1 :Stream 0 channel 1

Stream ID 0x0 0 channels starting at 0
12 virtual formats:
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 16 little endian Signed Integer 44.1kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 24 little endian Signed Integer 44.1kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 16 little endian Signed Integer 88.2kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 24 little endian Signed Integer 88.2kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 16 little endian Signed Integer 176.4kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 24 little endian Signed Integer 176.4kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 16 little endian Signed Integer 48kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 24 little endian Signed Integer 48kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 16 little endian Signed Integer 96kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 24 little endian Signed Integer 96kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 16 little endian Signed Integer 192kHz
2 ch Non-mixable linear PCM Interleaved 24 little endian Signed Integer 192kHz

0 physical formats

Current device transportInfo:
CurrentTransportState: PLAYING
CurrentTransportStatus: OK
CurrentSpeed: 1
Current device MediaInfo:
NrTracks: 1
MediaDuration: 00:00:00
CurrentURIMetadata: dc:titleWhite Christmas</dc:title></upnp:class>dc:creatorDarlene Love</dc:creator>upnp:genre""</upnp:genre>upnp:artistDarlene Love</upnp:artist>upnp:albumA Christmas Gift For You From Phil Spector</upnp:album>upnp:albumArtURIhttp://resources.tidal.com/images/d078624e/d565/4c78/8066/c93bd738328b/640x640.jpg</upnp:albumArtURI>upnp:originalTrackNumber1</upnp:originalTrackNumber>
nextURIMetadata: dc:titleFrosty the Snowman</dc:title></upnp:class>dc:creatorThe Ronettes</dc:creator>upnp:genre""</upnp:genre>upnp:artistThe Ronettes</upnp:artist>upnp:albumA Christmas Gift For You From Phil Spector</upnp:album>upnp:albumArtURIhttp://resources.tidal.com/images/d078624e/d565/4c78/8066/c93bd738328b/640x640.jpg</upnp:albumArtURI>upnp:originalTrackNumber2</upnp:originalTrackNumber>
PlayMedium: NETWORK

Current device AVT service description:

<?xml version="1.0"?> 1 0 GetCurrentState CurrentState out LastChange GetCurrentTransportActions InstanceID in A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID Actions out CurrentTransportActions GetDeviceCapabilities InstanceID in A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID PlayMedia out PossiblePlaybackStorageMedia RecMedia out PossibleRecordStorageMedia RecQualityModes out PossibleRecordQualityModes GetMediaInfo InstanceID in A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID NrTracks out NumberOfTracks MediaDuration out CurrentMediaDuration CurrentURI out AVTransportURI CurrentURIMetaData out AVTransportURIMetaData NextURI out NextAVTransportURI NextURIMetaData out NextAVTransportURIMetaData PlayMedium out PlaybackStorageMedium RecordMedium out RecordStorageMedium WriteStatus out RecordMediumWriteStatus GetMediaInfo_Ext InstanceID in A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID CurrentType out CurrentMediaCategory NrTracks out NumberOfTracks MediaDuration out CurrentMediaDuration CurrentURI out AVTransportURI CurrentURIMetaData out AVTransportURIMetaData NextURI out NextAVTransportURI NextURIMetaData out NextAVTransportURIMetaData PlayMedium out PlaybackStorageMedium RecordMedium out RecordStorageMedium WriteStatus out RecordMediumWriteStatus GetPositionInfo InstanceID in A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID Track out CurrentTrack TrackDuration out CurrentTrackDuration TrackMetaData out CurrentTrackMetaData TrackURI out CurrentTrackURI RelTime out RelativeTimePosition AbsTime out AbsoluteTimePosition RelCount out RelativeCounterPosition AbsCount out AbsoluteCounterPosition GetTransportInfo InstanceID in A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID CurrentTransportState out TransportState CurrentTransportStatus out TransportStatus CurrentSpeed out TransportPlaySpeed GetTransportSettings InstanceID in A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID PlayMode out CurrentPlayMode RecQualityMode out CurrentRecordQualityMode Next InstanceID in A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID Pause InstanceID in A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID Play InstanceID in A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID Speed in TransportPlaySpeed Previous InstanceID in A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID Seek InstanceID in A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID Unit in A_ARG_TYPE_SeekMode Target in A_ARG_TYPE_SeekTarget SetAVTransportURI InstanceID in A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID CurrentURI in AVTransportURI CurrentURIMetaData in AVTransportURIMetaData SetNextAVTransportURI InstanceID in A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID NextURI in NextAVTransportURI NextURIMetaData in NextAVTransportURIMetaData SetPlayMode InstanceID in A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID NewPlayMode in CurrentPlayMode Stop InstanceID in A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID X_SetShuffle InstanceID in A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID Shuffle in X_Shuffle AVTransportURI string AVTransportURIMetaData string A_ARG_TYPE_CurrentState_AVTransport string A_ARG_TYPE_InstanceID ui4 A_ARG_TYPE_ObjectID string A_ARG_TYPE_SeekMode string TRACK_NR TRACK_NR REL_TIME A_ARG_TYPE_SeekTarget string AbsoluteCounterPosition ui4 AbsoluteTimePosition string CurrentMediaCategory string CurrentMediaDuration string CurrentPlayMode string NORMAL NORMAL REPEAT_ONE REPEAT_ALL CurrentRecordQualityMode string CurrentTrack ui4 0 0 65535 1 CurrentTrackDuration string CurrentTrackMetaData string CurrentTrackURI string CurrentTransportActions string LastChange string NextAVTransportURI string NextAVTransportURIMetaData string NumberOfTracks ui4 0 0 65535 PlayMode ui4 0 PlaybackStorageMedium string PossiblePlaybackStorageMedia string PossibleRecordQualityModes string PossibleRecordStorageMedia string RecordMediumWriteStatus string RecordStorageMedium string RelativeCounterPosition i4 RelativeTimePosition string TransportPlaySpeed string 1 1 12 -12 TransportState string STOPPED STOPPED PAUSED_PLAYBACK PLAYING TRANSITIONING TransportStatus string OK OK ERROR_OCCURRED X_Shuffle boolean 0

Current device RootDevice description:

<?xml version="1.0"?> 1 0 urn:schemas-denon-com:device:AiosDevice:1 Denon AVR-X1500H Denon http://www.denon.com Denon AVR-X1500H Aios 4.025 AYX12180404628 uuid:bad7f6b4-1580-1e21-0080-0005cdf691c6 00000002 1256 8080 urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaRenderer:1 Denon AVR-X1500H Denon http://www.denon.com Denon AVR-X1500H Aios 4.025 uuid:ab376f8e-f3f7-120a-0080-0005cdf691c6 QPlay:1 urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:AVTransport:1 urn:upnp-org:serviceId:AVTransport /upnp/scpd/renderer_dvc/AVTransport.xml /upnp/control/renderer_dvc/AVTransport /upnp/event/renderer_dvc/AVTransport urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ConnectionManager:1 urn:upnp-org:serviceId:ConnectionManager /upnp/scpd/renderer_dvc/ConnectionManager.xml /upnp/control/renderer_dvc/ConnectionManager /upnp/event/renderer_dvc/ConnectionManager urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:RenderingControl:1 urn:upnp-org:serviceId:RenderingControl /upnp/scpd/renderer_dvc/RenderingControl.xml /upnp/control/renderer_dvc/RenderingControl /upnp/event/renderer_dvc/RenderingControl urn:schemas-denon-com:device:AiosServices:1 AiosServices Denon http://www.denon.com Denon AVR-X1500H Aios 4.025 uuid:3ab758a2-143f-1da8-0080-0005cdf691c6 urn:schemas-denon-com:service:ErrorHandler:1 urn:denon-com:serviceId:ErrorHandler /upnp/scpd/AiosServicesDvc/ErrorHandler.xml /upnp/control/AiosServicesDvc/ErrorHandler /upnp/event/AiosServicesDvc/ErrorHandler urn:schemas-denon-com:service:ZoneControl:2 urn:denon-com:serviceId:ZoneControl /upnp/scpd/AiosServicesDvc/ZoneControl.xml /upnp/control/AiosServicesDvc/ZoneControl /upnp/event/AiosServicesDvc/ZoneControl urn:schemas-denon-com:service:GroupControl:1 urn:denon-com:serviceId:GroupControl /upnp/scpd/AiosServicesDvc/GroupControl.xml /upnp/control/AiosServicesDvc/GroupControl /upnp/event/AiosServicesDvc/GroupControl urn:schemas-denon-com:device:ACT-Denon:1 Denon AVR-X1500H Denon http://www.denon.com Denon AVR-X1500H Aios 4.025 AYX12180404628 uuid:698a41c9-0c03-ca7f-5f54-e8d7fd91b668 AIOS:0001 1 165840 Wed 2020-11-04 13:48:32 1.583.161 00:05:CD:F6:91:C4 en_EU 4 Aios 4.025 1 Production 00:05:CD:F6:91:C6 urn:schemas-denon-com:service:ACT:1 urn:denon-com:serviceId:ACT /ACT/SCPD.xml /ACT/control /ACT/event urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaServer:1 Denon AVR-X1500H Denon http://www.denon.com Shares User defined folders and files to other Universal Plug and Play media devices. Denon AVR-X1500H Aios 4.025 AYX12180404628 uuid:57c41520-9f9f-ac3e-858b-c4054e18c174 True urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ContentDirectory:1 urn:upnp-org:serviceId:ContentDirectory /upnp/scpd/ams_dvc/ContentDirectory.xml /upnp/control/ams_dvc/ContentDirectory /upnp/event/ams_dvc/ContentDirectory urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ConnectionManager:1 urn:upnp-org:serviceId:ConnectionManager /upnp/scpd/ams_dvc/ConnectionManager.xml /upnp/control/ams_dvc/ConnectionManager /upnp/event/ams_dvc/ConnectionManager

UPnP devices found : 6
Device #0: ID 0x0 Denon AVR-X1500H UID: uuid:bad7f6b4-1580-1e21-0080-0005cdf691c6 Location:
Device #1: ID 0x0 Denon AVR-X1500H UID: uuid:ab376f8e-f3f7-120a-0080-0005cdf691c6 Location:
Device #2: ID 0x0 Denon AVR-X1500H UID: uuid:3ab758a2-143f-1da8-0080-0005cdf691c6 Location:
Device #3: ID 0x0 Denon AVR-X1500H UID: uuid:698a41c9-0c03-ca7f-5f54-e8d7fd91b668 Location:
Device #4: ID 0x0 Denon AVR-X1500H UID: uuid:57c41520-9f9f-ac3e-858b-c4054e18c174 Location:
Device #5: ID 0x0 [TV] Samsung 7 Series (49) UID: uuid:996a5d8d-46a2-455b-b681-f8d1e508a258 Location:

CoreAudio audio path, buffer I/O frame size: 0

Max. memory for audio buffers: 3748MB

Local Audio Engine:
Exclusive access: Enabled
Integer mode: Enabled

Local devices found : 2
Device #0: ID 0x40 Built-in Output Manufacturer: Apple Inc. Model UID: AppleHDA:3 UID: AppleHDAEngineOutput:8,0,1,2:0
Device #1: ID 0x2d BlackHole 16ch Manufacturer: Existential Audio Inc. Model UID: BlackHole_ModelUID UID: BlackHole_UID

Does this issue only appear when the next track in the playlist is a MQA track?

I’m not 100% sure. Yesterday I thought it was random, but I checked again today and it has happened when moving between non-MQA and MQA, but also when moving back to non-MQA from MQA. I haven’t noticed it happening between tracks of the same type today though.

I’ve been testing it some more, and I think that the problem occurs when the bitrate changes. So even transitioning between 16bit MQA and 24bit MQA (and vice versa) also causes a problem.

Can you try with files at different sample rates locally stored? If you don’t have some you can use those samples: http://www.2l.no/hires/index.html

Hi - I tried with locally stored tracks and the same problem occurs when the file is a different sample rate.

I think you might contact Denon about it as if you are able to reproduce it locally and using Tidal, it’s a UPnP issue.

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