Tracks loads but don't stuck at 0:00

So I returned my DAC and got something much better with MQA capability. I’m just going to run Tidal directly off the Mac Mini. It’s working incredibly well and sounds absolutely glorious. I don’t even see the point of using Audirvana in this case, as the SQ is actually better as my DAC is doing all processing, not a piece of software.

Appreciate the trial though. I suppose this is why trials should exist for much-to-prove platforms.

If you only plan on using Tidal, it makes sense. Enjoy it.

Out of curiosity, which DAC did you get?

I got the Pre Box S2 digital. Let me tell you, it sounds days and nights better than the Topping E30. I couldn’t believe my ears at first…

I’m not surprised, it’s a nice DAC. I’ve heard it had some issue with MQA. Did you notice something in that regards, like loosing MQA lock and playing tracks as normal PCM?

Nope, no issues whatsoever. Works like an absolute charm - no special settings to apply or modify when things go south - the way music should be consumed anyways.