Trial period lapsed without my using it


I downloaded the trial version onto my mac mini earlier this year. I then did nothing with it simply as I play tidal through a chromecast audio to my external dac and into amp but as I have an old ipad it told me I could not download the remote app as my ipad stopped allowing updates after IOS 10. so I assumed as i am not in market for an ipad upgrade that I would not be able to use audirvana and did nothing.

I have since found that I can download an older version of the remote app for the ipad and would still like to try audirvana before I buy it. however, as you can probably guess, my computer now tells me that the trial period has expired. is there a way I can still trial audirvana before pulling the pin on a full licence purchase.

regards in anticipation of any assistance. I am not trying to circumvent a trial process as at some point I will either like it and buy it or wont.

from other threads I think I need to send someone my IP address?

Mark C

and before anyone asks. I am aware that CA is not supported and I think I will have to also go down the bubbleupnp route.

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