Two installations possible: PC & Mac?

Salut Damien,

Is it generally possible to have two valid installations, one on Windows 10 and another on MacOS, given I am using only one at a time? One is on a MacBook for traveling, another one on a local PC at home.

Of course I already tried to use the MacOS key to enable a Windows 10 trial version, which very obviously did not work (just as to be expected).


Audirvana Plus for Windows 10 and Audirvana Plus 3 (for Mac) are two different products sold by Audirvana :

  • Audirvana Plus for Windows 10 can be installed on two of your own PC computers running Windows 10 for non simultaneous use
  • Audirvana Plus 3 (for Mac) can be installed on two of your own Mac computers for non simultaneous use.
    That is the reason why the license file for MAC you purchased for your Mac could not be installed on a PC.

The reason is that I had to rewrite all the windows version from scratch and I had help from other people to release this new product (such as a UI designer and a UX designer).


Hi, Damien !

Excuse moi for answering lately, but okay, I see and totally understand, that it obviously was an immense effort taken by you (and others) to get a proper PC version live, and this should be cherished appropriately. Thanks for explaining anyway. In times where a customer just awaits the next release gratuitously (of course :wink:, this really is an honest statement - which I am totally able to share though. Will try & buy the PC version, too.