Two Many Installations error

Got a encryption infection thanks to my children and had to format my main music PC.
Since formatting and attempting to re-install everything fresh… It seems I can’t activate the 2nd License back on that PC.

My Mac is fine which has the 2nd install…

Help would be appreciated

Hello @duc,

I removed your Windows 10 computer from our database, you can now use your license key again.

Awesome! Thank you!!!

I see the same issue. My previous Mac no longer works, so I bought a new Mac mini. I had bought Audirvana licenses in 2018 and 2016 (and 2012), but those licenses aren’t accepted now on the new machine, I get the “too many installs” notification but cannot deregister any older machines now. Please advise…

I too am getting too many installs on my MacBook Pro despite revoking the licence

Hello @meetanshul,

I removed your Macbook from our database. You can now activate Audirvana on another computer.

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