Two Qobuz questions/issues

I’ve been using Studio since it came out but I still have two problems with Qobuz that make the interface less than ideal.

First, when backtracking, instead of the expanded screen of say “Qobuz Grand Selection” coming up when you “See All” it goes back to the first screen with the other selections and loses the place where you were. I don’t need to see the “Still Trending” or the other selections again. It goes back too far as if not leaving a bread crumb through all of the interim selections and scrolls.

Second, the filtering doesn’t work. If I put a filter in for Jazz, the “See all” screen will show jazz but if I start scrolling it will show every genre after a few lines. These are functions that are directly supported by Qobuz and worked in 3.5 exactly the same way they work in the Qobuz desktop app. It looks as if the filtering is being done in Studio but not doing a good job at it.

I have Studio installed on my Macbook Pro separately from the rest of my setup so I can’t tell if local file filtering/backtracking works. I use Qobuz almost exclusively though anyway so these two problems are annoying. Sound quality is still still great though, surprisingly so given that I still am using UPnP and a Raspberry Pi to my DAC. I can’t figure out what could be being done better except that 3.5 was NOT passing bit perfect and this is.

I have the same behaviour and I’ve wrote an email to the assistance about this last week.
Note that I’m running Audirvana Studio on Windows for my part.
So the problem seems to be the same on both OS.

Probably both issues are related too. It just isn’t keeping track of selections and positions. Push/Pop stack programming that you had to explicitly do in the old days.

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