Updates to Audirvāna Studio

There hasn’t been an update/bugfix to Studio since August 31st. @Antoine, can we expect a new release soon?

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Yes you can………… Friday 1.7.0 :wink:

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Hello @lucretius, It will come tomorrow if our tests are ok :wink:


Yeah, I have seen it.

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Mac 1.7 is great so far , Do you use both Mac and Win ? I see your post on 3.5 win being a bit of a pill to install

No Mac yet. I’m waiting for M1X.

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I cannot get my program loaded with the new update and I already uninstalled the old one and cannot get anything back. What do I do now?

Oh yeah that’s the ticket , That should be like Godzilla in a broom closet. I’m gonna have to find a good reason to upgrade from my mini i7 , It really hauls the Mail
When you get it you will need to try Studio again!
Have a great weekend !

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Are you using Studio or A+ 3.5 ?

Roger that, but some people ( like me sometimes) get it crossed up

Dang I wish I would have said that first, You are quite correct staggering the launches would be much better for everyone ,support and user

no I have Studio, I tried the update but it gave me that error message and said install locally, not even sure how to do that other than hit your link. Someone said try uninstalling your current version and reinstall the new 1.7. so now whatever I try I cannot get the program back. I’m just using Tidal direct now. I was hoping there would be a response by now.


Hi Jpc , what computer and OS ? Damien earlier today had said that there was an issue with the update server. Have you tried a fresh download today?

Hi I just got in and tried again and it worked! However I intermittently get some pops crackle and pops, not the cereal, and then it sust started skipping forward to the next songs after about 10 to 15 seconds of play. Somethings jacked up. I tried messing with the buffers from about 2000 to 4000 but no help. Maybe they have some more tweeking to do on their end?? I HOPE thanks for the reply