UPnP not working in Audirvana 3.5.18 but OK in A+

Have you had an update of the microRendu?
Can you check the microRendu is in UPnP/DLNA mode?
This looks like it is in another mode.

Thanks for getting back to me. It began working once I clicked “compatibility mode” in the MPD/DLNA settings of the Ultrarendu. I can’t remember if this was clicked before, but I didn’t change anything. Also, as far as I know, there haven’t been any software updates to the Ultrarendu.

After upgrading to 3.5 no longer have UPnP to my Oppo 105. Please advise.

Having the same issues since updating. Windows here.

Nothing? This software isn’t exactly cheap. Any help or fixes would be greatly appreciated.

5 posts were split to a new topic: UPnP with DSD files on Bryston BDP3