Using Audirvana across a network from different devices

If I have Audirvana installed on a remote server on my network, can I access it from a separate computer on my network to direct the music to the devices I want.

For those of you familiar with Roon, this is like using Roon server on a central machine and using different installations of Roon on different machines as Remotes…

I guess my question is whilst there appears to be a remote app for Audirvana for iOS devices, is there a way in which you can do similar on other computers on your network…

Any advice, tips, comment welcome…

No, but you can use Remote Desktop or VNC solutions for that.

Thanks for the response…

So would Remote Desktop allow me to send the signal to the computer I was sitting at to, say, listen through speakers attached to that…? Using the computer as a renderer, I guess…???

… and would the iOS remote/device allow that, also…?

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Kind of but not in the quality you want. For that you’re better off just installing the second instance of Audirvana.

Ah, OK… This seems a little restrictive if you have a few computers, but, yeah, I understand that “it is what it is”… I think the take-away for me is that Audirvana does not operate in quite the same sort of way as, say, a Roon Core does…

True, but you can install it on two computers for the same price. You don’t need additional licenses.

Do the two copies replicate their databases, so changes to your library that you make in one copy are automatically duplicated in the other copy…?

… and how does that work if you make changes using the remote app (or can you not you make changes using the remote app)

The instances don’t replicate the databases, but the databases are based on the metadata in the files. As long as both instances point to the same files, information in the databases will be the same.

Sorry for all the questions… I am trying to weigh up whether or not I would be able to usefully transition from Roon to Audirvana…

I guess it’s not the files I have on my hard drives, but how Tidal is integrated into everything and how that replicates through my use… I presently have a Roon core on a separate server that (basically) distributes the streams to my various devices and computers and each version of the Roon software on my computers and iOS devices can do that… So if I am sat at my desk I can have the music sent to my desk using the Roon software on my computer… In the listening room, I can use the iOS app to sent the stream to my streamer… In the bedroom, with a separate set up, similar… etc…

I guess I am not yet quite visualising how Audirvana might replace that…

I can actually have multiple streams going to different devices at the same time, say if I listen in one room and somebody else in another…

It depends on your specific use case. I also use Roon.

It depends on how many people live in your household, listening habits, how many endpoint you have, protocols supported by the endpoints, do you need multi room capability, etc…

You have to ask yourself why you want to leave Roon. Is it the cost?

Yes, mainly cost… I appreciate everything it does but I still think it is possibly a little expensive…

You might want to integrate UPnP server solution in addition to Audirvana to get similar functionality.

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