v3.0.6 crashes on launch


Audirvana v3.0.6 is crashing for me when I launch it. I couldn’t even get to the Trail License key dialog. Tried rebooting my mac and relaunch. No go. I have installed it over v2, so not sure if that might have anything to do with it.

So far, I have tested, on my air:

  • install v3.0.6 over v2.6.5 - crash on launch
  • install v2.6.5 over the above - launches fine
  • install v3.0.6 again over above - crash on launch
  • install v2.6.5 over the above - works fine.

Can you send me by email or PM the crash report you get?

Looks like I can’t PM yet… and I couldn’t seem to locate your email address… :frowning: