Version 3.2.5 won't play DSD files

I’m experiencing a serious problem with the last version. After the update the DSD files don’t produce any sound, even if Audirvana seems to be working normally. The sound come back again if I switch to the old dCS method.
Unfortunately I deleted the executable of the previous version, so I cannot switch back.
Audirvana runs under Mavericks and I never had problems before.
Hereafter the configuration that was working before the upgrade.
Any clue?
Thanks for your help.
Schermata 2018-01-10 alle 20.23.04.jpg
Schermata 2018-01-10 alle 20.23.04.jpg

Yes you can revert back…
See the link of 3.2.5…
Copy it and paste it in your browser
before hitting enter, change the number of the version you want instead of 3.2.5
