Volume Control Opération (Audirvana Studio)


I come n to you because I little demal with the operation of the control of the Volume on Audirvana Studio

I have a control Pc under Windows 11 where Audirvana Studio is installed, it sends the stream Via Kernel Streaming to a second PC under Linux (Gentooplayer) for HQPE and it sends the Stream in USB to a DAC Holo Spring 3 level 2

concerning the control of the Volume by Audirvana , there are 2 sections

  • Next to “Volume Equalization” is “Inactive Volume Control”??

just below, a small speaker with a -+ bar that is 100%

I’m a little confused

I act on the volume control in the HQPE parameters for now because the volume level at the amp is too important

thank you for your answers


Can you make it a little bit more complicated ?
maybe ask HQPlayer why it is not woking in Audirvana…
Non, c’est pas moi qui a écrit ça

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