Warning message "Error starting device playback"

Hello. This warning has recently appeared when I attempt to play a local file. I am not aware of anything having changed to cause this, and I cannot see any way to correct it. I am running Audirvana Origin 2.5.6 (20506) on MacOS 14.1.2 with 32GB RAM and it is connected by USB to a Denon PMA-50.

Can someone help please? Thank you.

I used to see this when having problems with the connection between Audirvana and the DAC, but things are more reliable now and I haven’t seen it in a while.

If you haven’t already, I would try (with Audirvana off) disconnecting and reconnecting the USB cable or switching to another one at least temporarily and see whether that resolves the issue. If not, then you will likely need to ask Antoine with Audirvana support to help, and provide him with Audirvana’s debug info when the problem is occurring.

@Jud Many thanks for your suggestion. I will try that, but I have also just discovered that if I change the format setting for the PMA-50 in Apple’s Audio MIDI Setup utility to “2 ch 32-bit Integer 96.0 kHz”, I can get the playback to resume normally. What would have changed that setting from when Audirvana Origin was working just fine not so long ago I cannot tell – I don’t recall the last time I opened that utility. May the cabling and the setting are linked, but I am no expert so am guessing wildly here. Thank you again for your reply.

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