Wave curve display on Android Remote


I wanted to know if it is possible to display the wave curve on the Android application “Audirvana Remote” to have a visual when playing an audio track of an album, as you can have it under Audirvana on PC

Thank you for your response


Yes. Make the change in settings.


this is the Apple version, I am on the Android version and it seems to me much less provided, I do not find the option


Hi @cpasmoi

I am an “Android”.

The option is definately there on my remote version.

Double check settings in remote.



I just made you a screenshot, I am android and I did not at all what you sent me?

is it from the Android remote app or a remote access to your PC for which you have the settings on your tablet???

It’s the Android App… I am current on the Beta Program… That may be worth investigating.



ah ok and we can ask how???

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Hi @Yohmi

I should have pointed that out.

[Love your icon]



I just installed the Audirvana Beta version on Android and actually I have access to the wavecurve option

only it is good on the PC drive

but not displayed on the application even though it is activated?

thank you for your feedback

Hi @cpasmoi

The wave action only shows in the Mini Player screen… see attached image.

I would like it in this view also… You might also like that I think!?


How did you do ???

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Good evening

thanks for your help, I could find



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